Why Traveling is Good For the Soul

Travel is good for a lot of things but mostly for personal gains. That’s why it’s normal to have a travel bucket list because you want to see the world. It’s usual to have the itch to travel especially if you have been in some places. Aside from feeding your curiosity in discovering foreign places,…… Continue reading Why Traveling is Good For the Soul

Millennials in the Workforce

Millennials often get a bad rep especially in the workplace because they have always been perceived as someone lazy, technology dependent, and entitled. A lot of other (older) generations have been vocal in their complaints with what the millennials are and do. But before you start looking at the millennials in your company and thinking…… Continue reading Millennials in the Workforce

How To Find Your Target Market

On my last blog, I tackled on the 2018 Social Media Trends (if you missed it, please click right here). I received a lot of questions such as “But how can I use these trends if no one’s following my accounts?” “I tried it but I get no engagement on my Facebook!” “It doesn’t work,…… Continue reading How To Find Your Target Market

2018 Business Social Media Trends

It’s no surprise that social media platforms are gaining a lot of popularity. You would see a lot of people everywhere with their eyes glued to their phones. People are so updated with lives of, not just their families and peers, but of the celebrities they follow. But what kind of contents or posts are…… Continue reading 2018 Business Social Media Trends

Where To Find The Perfect Online Freelancer

At this day and age, it’s very hard to trust anybody especially those on the internet. A lot of business owners have their fair share of bad experiences but business is business and they said that having a workforce is an investment. So, we rounded up places (sites) where you can find freelancers. Upwork Based…… Continue reading Where To Find The Perfect Online Freelancer