Millennials in the Workforce

Millennials often get a bad rep especially in the workplace because they have always been perceived as someone lazy, technology dependent, and entitled. A lot of other (older) generations have been vocal in their complaints with what the millennials are and do.

But before you start looking at the millennials in your company and thinking of what to do with them, here is one of the research mentioned in an article by nbcnews that tackles how millennials are changing the workplace for the better.

Research shows that millennials are a driving force behind workplace change, so it’s no coincidence that the generation clocks in with the lowest percentage of engaged employees. This may be simply because as millennials get older they are able to navigate their career, finding work that better suits them, which in turn increases their levels of engagement.

As you can see, even though millennials are the least engaged, they have been a driving force behind the workplace change. Them being least engaged might be because of a generation barrier between superior and subordinate. The older generations tend to stick with the old traditional ways while the younger ones have the ability to explore other angles and methods. With the millennials having a fresh perspective in the workplace, they are able to make everyone realize, regardless of the generation, that we all have the same desires in the workplace.

Millennials Prioritize Work-Life Balance

By pushing the idea of work-life balance, it is safe to say that millennials like working on their relationships, dreams, and aspirations. They have been posting a lot on social media all about their travels, fancy food they order in a restaurant, and the people they love the most. While this might show other generations that millennials are materialistic and would only do the things they want, it also shows how we would like to live our lives. They have been a revelation into what we can accomplish in terms of leisure. That’s why there are a lot of travel blogs that promote dream destinations for everyone. Millennials also know that clocking in and out of their job on the dot is so they can use the time into doing other things such as work on their dreams. This photo, which you might have seen circulate the internet before, shows us to leave work on time and most agrees.


Millennials Will Settle Only for the Best

Millennials will settle only for the best (or what they think is the best) there is. So, if they’re not where they want to be, then they’re not scared of changing jobs. Most companies even expect millennials to leave the company within 2 years of employment because it has been the norm now. They consistently want more career development or a compensation increase and hate feeling boxed in a routine job. They have always liked personal and career development that’s why most companies have established career workshops that can help employees such as finding their purpose.

Millennials are Thirsty for Feedback

Since millennials like being improved most of the times, they find the need to always get feedback from their superiors or even peers. What the people around them say is very important to them especially work related. They want to consistently do a great job in whatever they do. That’s why it’s hard to give them admin tasks as they feel there’s no growth in doing such.

Millennials in the workforce are taking over other generations as seen in this chart below.


Since most companies experience millennials not settling, here are some tips on how you can manage millennials:

  • Provide goals in their projects
  • Have a career ladder set up for them
  • Have an open mind in what they are suggesting
  • Engage them with a team of mixed generations
  • Have a working calendar for them to see that work is stable and consistent
  • Make the workplace fun and engaging
  • If possible, create flexible work hours

By accepting that millennials are taking over the workforce, create an environment that is employee-focused and engaging. Besides, because of this generation’s ability to multi-task and network, they will be the key to your business success.

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